Greek polis


it is an
Independent city in political,territorial and economic. It is together to languague , cultural and religion
it is in the most higest part in the city
the port was situation far of de citty. In there the ships take and left the things

In the frist in this public square, was celebrated the shops and the people (always men becose the repectable women no go to public places) they met to talk the problems of the comunity.

this place was destination to agricultural producion is constant for tecnics
is the word destinated for the greeks ancients to name the part of the city where its acumulation to the politician
born in atica for the dances and sings of the VI y V aC was celebrated in of spring in the party of the gods Dionisos. All the big greeks dramas was built without ceiling.
How will the greeks polis now ?
The actual greek polis will have a cinema, to wach war flims . I think that they wont have democracy .Will do you think?

the oldest polis where the place to the greek cultural. It was in elavated place and this do more easy the defens, close to the natural ports and always protect for walls.
The reconstruction of the atenas city , that was destroyed for jerjes in 480 b.c´.the most oldes and tallest part , there are dedicated to the gods ,in there the temple . The life of the city was moved to the lowest part , the most confortable part

principal buildings

La vida de los antiguos griegos transcurría en la calle por lo que abundaban los lugares de encuentro en la ciudad, espacios públicos como:
the agora the public square and the centre of the city , in there was find the public buildings more importants and temples .
The stoa arcaded corridors situatuated in the laterals of the square for protect the Sun and the rain .Was decorated with pictures to do more confortable the walk
The buleuterios and eclesasterios place to the politican discursion
the drama was aprovechated to the hill construction.

sara abadia, emma rodriguez , carla luis , victor sanchez

Resultado de imagen de imagen polis griega


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